Occupy Earth - Part II ~ 20 November 2013

This week we’ll follow up last week’s evolution into Occupy Earth. To do so, we’ll use the suggestions of where the planets transit at perihelion, the point where a planet is closest to the Sun.

When closest to the Sun a planet takes in the radiation of the Sun, visible and invisible, through the shortest distance, and thus with maximum intensity. This intensity naturally super charges the essence of the planet. At perihelion, the planet moves through the orbit with the highest rate of speed, accelerating agendas and adding urgency to the planet’s greatest desires.

But first a little review and preview. When considering the north node placements of planets in our solar system, 25 percent of them are in Cancer, promoting the claim that the solar system, from the Sun’s point of view, actually does seek to nurture. Twenty percent of the nodes lie in Taurus. The get feeling and get grounded and stay in your body, while sentiently experiencing everything agendas become the prevailing theme.

Here’s something else: twenty-one percent of the orbital elements (perihelion and node) posit in Cancer. Eighteen percent of the orbital elements are found in Aries or Leo. Taking care of the self, especially through confidence, soul growth and soulful expression, makes up nearly 40 percent of the orbital element influence of the solar system. When considering matters of urgency specifically as defined by perihelion, Aries, Cancer and Libra are tied for three occurrences each. Hmm. That’s an interesting balance of self and other when it comes to basic, primordial needs, and all these factors occur naturally in the backdrop of the solar system as seen by the Sun’s broader view of things.

Without further adieu, here are some planetary protocols for being a member of Occupy Earth based upon the planetary positions at perihelion.

Mercury / Gemini

Think, rethink and communicate.

Communicate again and again until you realize the transmission has been received.

Apply part two of communication: Listen. Internalize what was heard and think about it.

Repeat the above.

Do not delay. When it’s on your mind, clarify and get it out there.

Venus / Leo

Be cool with needs. They are what you need.

Be cool with desires. They are what you desire.

Value you. Savor your intrinsic talents, innate skills, creativity and individualistic attributes.

Ascetic or aesthetic? Which is truer to your nature? Whichever, do it fully and passionately.

Earth / Cancer (Earth reaches perihelion in January with Sun in Capricorn)

Value home, nurturing and physical, mundane essentials.

Value your time on Earth in a participatory manner. There must be a reason for this incarnation, right?

Value the planet and savor its beauty as often as you breathe its air and eat its food.

Create a sense of legacy, and know that every where you go, you leave behind your energy as part of that legacy.

Mars / Pisces

Honor reactions in perspective with the objective reality of the situation that caused that reaction.

Reject no emotional response as invalid. Reactions are based upon available data. If you don’t like the reaction, create an alternative context as a filter.

Develop compassion and sensitivity to all co-occupants of Earth.

Realize the connectedness of everything... every single thing.

Ceres / Virgo

Establish a belief that every action furthers and leads to future reaping.

Assert adamant advocacy as needed.

Threaten only when necessary and be prepared to assert.

Remember, you cannot bluff a bluffer.

Vesta / Sagittarius

Define the cornerstone of your residence, your physical being and your life.

Find your inner flint and foster its spark with all you’ve got.

Define your spiritual beliefs. Amalgamation of everything that’s out there is cool. Or defining all by yourself is good, too.

Stay pure with your energy and convictions.

Jupiter / Aries

Be bold, confident and self-assured.

Know what you mean and mean it in thought, word and deed.

The time for progress and action is now. Get your feet in the starting blocks and go.

Maintain a constant awareness of current conditions. Stay tuned to life’s traction, your tread and the road ahead.

Saturn / Cancer

Value your physical needs.

Savor your space - domestic and energetic.

In collaborative projects, the family environment might do the trick. Define roles in collaborations perfectly and preferably, in advance.

Accept support. Be supportive. Value nurturing, fostering and development that take time. Gestation and fermentation are magically cool processes.

Chiron / Libra

Find the perfect soul mate through mating your ego and your soul.

Be fair and treat others as you want to be treated.

Establish limits of cooperation. When there’s a line in the sand that you have drawn, do not cross it.

Value ancestry, lineage and honor DNA and karmic evolution.

Uranus / Virgo

Abstractions work best when the ability to elucidate with logic exists.

There is order in chaos.

Purify your energy. Establish a comfort zone for the range of your aura.

Outline your greatest eccentricities.

Neptune / Taurus

Seek to ground aspirations in reality.

Value the real world and your physical body as part of the spiritual journey.

Remain aware of erosion tendencies, whether at a shoreline or life’s reality rip tiding upon your inspiration.

Develop alchemical awareness. It’s magic. Real magic.

Pluto / Scorpio

Praise the intensity and darkness of transformational times.

Adopt the “all things pass” doctrine, but with a grain of salt.

Savor emotion, passion and pursuit of your burning desires.

Every day, do something that furthers your mission in life.

Haumea / Aries

Create with unlimited abandon.

Reject subjectivity and the slings and arrows of outrageous criticism.

Refine your inner realm and social strata such that it is filled only with equally driven, similarly aspiring individuals.

Study volcanic dynamics and lava flow as destructive/creative polarities.

Makemake / Aries

Know your strength and prowess. No need to prove it.

Value your divinity as an unlimited and unfailing source of guidance.

Physically exercise while affirming spiritual objectives.

Value eggs, the hatching process, and the concept of nesting.

Contemplate isolation and involvement.

Assess resources carefully. Contemplate expend-ability and dispose-ability.

Eris / Libra 

To be included, be include-able.

Cull social marketing involvements.

Take pride in your individuality as you shun unneeded conformity.

Be the center of our own bell curve.

Define the center-point of your body’s gravity. Attach your spirit to that spot.

Sedna / Cancer

Take care of the real world first. It’s difficult to mediate if your hunger is not part of an intended fast.

The comfort of your residence is essential. Do something to enhance your environment daily.

Care of the body is care of the tabernacle of the soul.

Spirit is everything.

More soon.